Wordpress + Github pages

An alternative to blogdown

Before knowing blogdown and how easy it is to create web pages from Rstudio. I started a project to develop a website from Wordpress and convert it to a static site to publish it from Github-Pages.

Although the website never saw the daylight, I configured it to until have a final version. If you do not know R and Rstudio, perhaps it could be an alternative to consider.


Here are the basic steps and a very illustrative video on how to create a static page from Wordpress and publish it on gh-pages:

  1. Install WAMP64

  2. Create database in PHPadmin (i.e. http:/localhost:8012/phpmyadmin)

  3. Create repository on Github 3.1 Configure Github repository with gh-pages as default branch 3.2. Add an empty .nojekyll file in the repository root

  4. With GitHub desktop, clone the repository and put it as local folder (i.e C:/wamp64/www/“repository name”)

  5. Download, unzip, and paste the Wordpress files in a local folder.

  6. Open database installation location (step 1): (i.e. http:/localhost:port/"database name") to install Wordpress

  7. Install Wordpress: database host: localhost and port-of-MySQL (i.e. 3308)

  8. From Wordpress, Install WP2Static.

  9. Select zip file option (Although there is an option to export to Github-pages, it gave me several errors during the process).

  10. In the configuration of WP2Static, define URL destination.

  11. Unzip, copy and paste he generated file into the local folder (step 3).

  12. Commit and pull from Github desktop.


Edgar Rodríguez-Huerta
Edgar Rodríguez-Huerta
PhD in Sustainability Science

Researcher exploring Sustainability to raise resilience in communities
